Association of Assistance, Solidarity and Support for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers (ASRA)

The Focus Area in Humanitarian Aid: Persistent Problems and Innovative Approaches

Erdem Ayçiçek
Dr., Programs Officer at the Association of Assistance, Solidarity and Support for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers (ASRA)

Türkiye hosts millions of people displaced from their homeland. As a result, many actors have become responsible in ambiguous areas. During this period, the positions attained by the public authority in cooperation with local, national, and international actors, sometimes in opposition and sometimes in complementarity, highlight that a certain level of coordination in aid has…

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Forced Migration in the Context of Disasters and Crises

Nazlı Ayhan Algan
Executive Director, Association of Assistance Solidarity and Support for Refugees and Asylum-Seekers (ASRA)

A concept that has been around for some time and expanding in terms of scope is the protection of the rights of people who are forced to leave their homes due to disasters and crises. It can be argued that the scope of protection should be expanded, both in theory and practice, to include forced…

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