Doctors Worldwide

2022 on Earth

Furkan Terzi
Doctors Worldwide Turkey, Head of Programs and Operations

The COVID-19 pandemic that broke out in Wuhan in December 2019 spread rapidly around the world and had negative impacts on our lives. The World Heath Organization declared the spread of the virus as a ‘pandemic’ on 11 March 2020. This date overlapped with the first cases recorded in Türkiye. This was the beginning of…

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2021 Worldwide

Ozan Mutlu
Doctors Worldwide Türkiye, CEO

We have come to the end of a year in which the need for humanitarian aid increased on a global scale due to deepening humanitarian crises and threats resulting from the pandemic and climate change in various parts of the world. The ongoing Syrian crisis completed its 10th year. The places experiencing humanitarian crises more…

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2020 on Earth

Ayşenur Yalınkılıç
Doctors Worldwide Turkey Director of Corporate Communications

For the first time since the historic World War II, humanity has come face to face with a crisis that has had such a sudden impact on the whole world in 2020. The climate crisis has also harshly called attention to itself while wars, conflicts, disasters, famine, and poverty continue. We’ve watched the rapid melting…

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