Green Crescent

If there is Green Crescent, there is Life

Mücahit Öztürk
President of Green Crescent

With the same determination from the very beginning, the Turkish Green Crescent continues its fight against alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling and technology addictions on national and international levels. We continue to raise awareness with the help of our 120 branches, thousands of volunteers, board of directors, stakeholders, and other supporters.  As the Turkish Green Crescent,…

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To Healthier Generations

Mücahit Öztürk
Prof. Dr., President of the Turkish Green Crescent

The Turkish Green Crescent fights addiction on so many levels and creates permanent solutions thanks to its years of experience and vast knowledge accumulated over a century. Turkish Green Crescent Headquarters continues to operate through Green Crescent Consulting Centers, branches, and volunteers in every province of Türkiye and continues its activities with the determination for…

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The Multi-Faceted Struggle Against Addiction

Mücahit Öztürk
Prof. Dr., President of the Green Crescent

Addiction continues to be a major social problem around the world. According to research, the number of addicted people has been gradually increasing over the years and loss of life due to addiction continues to increase. With our 100 years of experience and know-how as the Green Crescent, we are struggling versatilely with the problem…

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