Transition Year for IFRC Türkiye

Ruben Cano
IFRC Head of Delegation in Türkiye

In December 2021, DG ECHO Commissioner Lenarčič together with our Secretary-General, Jagan Chapagain announced an additional €325 million to extend the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme addressing the basic needs of refugee populations until 20231. Parallel communication was made on the ESSN transition towards development assistance so that it will be funded by DG…

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2021 for the IFRC

Ruben Cano
Head of Delegation, IFRC Türkiye

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, reaching 150 million people in 192 National Societies through the work of 13.7 million volunteers worldwide. Together we act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. …

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2020: A Year of Challenges Transformed into Opportunities

Ruben Cano
Head of IFRC Turkey Delegation

2020 has been an unprecedented year, with COVID-19 challenging our traditional methods of support as humanitarians. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our private and professional lives, including the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) humanitarian actions in Turkey. How are we to support the lives of people…

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