IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation

An Important Stage of Disaster Preparedness: Logistics

Ahmet Emin Dağ
IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation Board Member

Logistics constitute one of the cornerstones of the aid system. Many factors related to the quality of the logistics infrastructure are directly linked to disaster response and the rapid delivery of necessary aid materials to those in need. In humanitarian aid efforts, logistic planning is critically important for saving lives. In the preparation phase of…

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From Local to International Humanitarian Aid

Ahmet Emin Dağ
Dr., IHH Executive Board Member

Forest fires in the Mediterranean Region and floods in Western Karadeniz Caused severe human suffering on a national scale in 2021.  The successful management of disasters by public institutions and civil society playing an active part in these activities made us hopeful in terms of the role of NGOs and especially aid organizations. In this…

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Towards More Civil and Comprehensive Humanitarian Aid

Ahmet Emin Dağ
Dr., Humanitarian Relief Foundation IHH Board Member

When assessing 2020 in terms of humanitarian relief, the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been the dominant development. IHH established a COVID-19 commission after the pandemic reached Turkey and launched the “Now is Time for Solidarity” campaign to help those suffering from economic difficulties, distributing food packages to more than 100,000 families. 40,000 food packages were…

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