2022 from IOM Türkiye’s Perspective

Gerard Karl Waite
IOM Türkiye Mission Chief

In 2022, within the scope of its cross-border operations, IOM implemented various projects in partnership with on-ground actors in the Northwestern Syria region, covering WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), livelihoods, cash assistance, camp coordination and management, shelter, protection, and health. These projects were carried out in support of 11 planned camps in Idlib and Aleppo,…

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Migration Activities in Türkiye in 2021

Gerard Karl Waite
IOM Türkiye, Chief of Mission

As a member of the humanitarian aid community in Türkiye, the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Turkish Red Crescent to improve the cooperation in humanitarian aid. We are proud of the cooperation between IOM and the Turkish Red Crescent, and consider this an indicator of the…

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Migration Management Support Through All Aspects

Lado Gvilava
IOM Turkey, Chief of Mission

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) for nearly 30-years has supported development of the Government of Turkey’s capacity to manage migration by addressing all aspects of migration in Turkey. IOM continues the efforts Turkey is conducting on meeting the needs of immigrants, humanitarian aid, workforce integration, migration and border management, and promoting social cohesion between…

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