UNHCR Türkiye in 2022

Philippe Leclerc
UNHCR Türkiye Representative

Displacement is becoming increasingly complex as new factors intersect with traditional drivers. With growing conflicts, climate change, pandemics, energy and food crises, the number of forcibly displaced people globally surged to 103 million, 32.5 million of whom are refugees, in the first half of 2022, according to UNHCR’s Mid-Year Trends report released on 27 October…

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UNHCR Türkiye Activities in 2021

Philippe Leclerc
UNHCR Türkiye Representative

Oppression, conflicts, violence, human rights violations and disorderly conducts for nine consecutive years have led to an increase in the number of forcibly displaced persons. According to the UNHCR’s Mid-Year Trends Report1 published in November, while a great number of people fled their homes due to violence, insecure situations and the effects of climate change,…

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Communication and Coordination in Migration Management

Katharina Lumpp
UNHCR Turkey Representative

For the last six years, Turkey has been hosting to the world’s largest asylum-seeker and refugee population of nearly 4 million, 3.6 million of whom are Syrians under temporary protection. Only 1.6% of this population (around 59,000 people) live in Temporary Accommodation Centers; the vast majority live in and around cities or in the rural…

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