Ankara Social Sciences University

Disasters in the World and Türkiye in 2022

Aslı Akay
Prof. Dr. Ankara Social Sciences University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration

In 2022, the war in Russia and Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly destructive and the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected almost every country globally, have left a significant mark in history. Today, the increasing meteorological disasters due to climate change and the systemic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic indicate a new reality. The COVID-19 pandemic…

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International Migration in 2022 and its Reflection on Türkiye

Şebnem Köşer Akçapar
Prof. Dr., Social Sciences University of Ankara, Department of Sociology Center for Global Migration Studies and Applications

As of 2022, Türkiye is the country that hosts the largest number of refugees worldwide, including nearly 3.5 million Syrians under temporary protection and over 400,000 refugees of various nationalities under international protection. By the end of 2022, the top three nationalities granted international protection in our country are Afghanistan with 19,400, Ukraine with 7,131,…

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