Unforgettable Experiences: A Year of Lessons Learned and Challenges Overcome Together

Murat Solak
Director General, Communication and Donation Management, Turkish Red Crescent

An ominous year indeed, 2023 was etched in our memories as a year of profound sorrow, unforgettable experiences, and invaluable lessons. Despite having entered the year with high hopes and lofty aspirations, the Türkiye–Syria earthquakes of 6 February shook the entire nation to the core. Since love for the homeland is intrinsically tied to helping those wounded and in need, the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) found itself on the front lines from the very onset of the disaster. Thanks to the support of our dedicated community of volunteers and donors, we harnessed all available resources—ranging from blood donations and monetary contributions to manpower—to assist all those affected by what we in Türkiye have dubbed the Disaster of the Century.

As part of Türkiye’s Disaster Response Plan (TAMP), the TRC provided three hot meals a day to disaster victims and those involved in relief efforts. We dispatched catering vehicles to the disaster zone and mobilized all of our resources to distribute hot meals, soups, and catered goods. Well aware of the value of a hot meal during a disaster, our workers delivered hot meals to approximately 427,000 people, including those living in some of the most remote areas of the country. As a key partner in TAMP, TRC devoted itself to providing healthcare, shelter, logistics, psychosocial, and communications support, even delivering 2.2 million TRY in cash assistance throughout the acute and recovery phases. Despite a few setbacks in our communications and donation efforts, our teams worked around the clock until every survivor had found a warm home.

Every second counts in the immediate aftermath of a crisis. Even a glass of water can save the life of someone who has been trapped under rubble for days on end. In such life-or-death situations, delivering aid and reassurance becomes essential. To keep disaster survivors informed about TRC’s psychosocial support, cash assistance, container cities, and aid for business owners and farmers, we kept our toll-free hotline open around the clock. This hotline was also used to field calls by concerned donors wanting to offer assistance and support to their beleaguered compatriots.

Unfortunately, other parts of the world also experienced severe crises. Following Israel’s escalation of the ongoing assault and blockade it has imposed on the civilian population of Palestine’s Gaza Strip on 7 October, TRC increased the aid it had been providing to the battered yet steadfast people of Gaza. With the support of our vast humanitarian community, we coordinated aid operations with the Palestinian and Egyptian Red Crescent Societies to mitigate the suffering inflicted by the Israeli armed forces. After beginning operations in the Gaza Strip in 1995, TRC eventually established a permanent delegation office there in 2008 along with a liaison in Jerusalem. By September 2023, it had provided essential aid—including food, shelter, medical supplies, and educational resources—to approximately two million Palestinians. The recent escalation of hostilities drove TRC to resume active aid work in the region. To meet the urgent needs of Gazan civilians under relentless bombardment, TRC delivered hot meals, food parcels, shelters, and clothing to the region by air and sea. This aid played a crucial role amid the rapidly deteriorating, inhumane conditions and demonstrated once again TRC’s central role in international humanitarian action.

In addition to its other humanitarian work, the Turkish Red Crescent is the only organization dedicated to meeting Türkiye’s blood needs. With the help of volunteers, we work tirelessly to collect blood. Every four seconds, one unit of blood is needed in Türkiye, and the fate of about nine thousand people depends on daily donations. Through our “We Are Closely Connected” campaign, we raise awareness about regular blood donation and invite people to help replenish declining blood stocks. We collect nine thousand units of blood daily at three hundred collection points to meet the country’s needs.

Our most important supporters are our donors. The remarkable increases in 2023—116 percent in cash donations, 606 percent in in-kind contributions, and 77 percent in real estate gifts—are a testament to the Turkish people’s enduring trust in us. The partnerships with leading institutions across Türkiye played a notable role in this increase.

TRC’s efforts this year serve as a roadmap for the future and underscore the importance of humanitarian aid. Our work extends far beyond emergency relief, encompassing long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction. We have been instrumental in raising awareness among disaster victims and the wider public so as to ensure that aid reaches its intended recipients without undue delay.

TRC’s effective communication strategy played a key role in addressing community needs and managing crises during and after disasters. As 2023 demonstrated, establishing a robust communications and logistics network is an absolute must for the rapid delivery of aid during natural and conflict-related crises. In addition to significantly enhancing societal resilience during crises, a culture of giving shifts the focus from profit and loss to social solidarity and equity. Securing the support of donors and volunteers is essential for building a sustainable model of assistance.

As we enter 2024, our communication strategy focuses on building social resilience, strong governance, and institutional trust—all key pillars of TRC’s 2030 strategic plan. By incorporating the experiences and lessons learned over the course of 2023, we aim to make 2024 a year of goodness and charitable acts.

Building on the legacy of the Hilāl-i Ahmer (the Ottoman Red Crescent) that we inherited, TRC stands stand tall like a sturdy tree with deep roots and branches stretching into all corners of the world. As we celebrate the Turkish Republic’s centennial anniversary, TRC remains a symbol of kindness to those whose lives we have touched, tirelessly working for 155 years to foster compassion, alleviate suffering, and provide both a smiling face and helping hand to those in need around the world.

1  Türkiye Afet Müdahale Planı (TAMP). (2022, Eylül). Afet ve Acil Duru Yönetimi Başkanlığı: https://www.afad.gov.tr/kurumlar/afad.gov.tr/e_Kutuphane/Planlar/TAMP.pdf adresinden alınmıştır.

2  HEDEF 2030 Tanıtım Kitabı (2020), Türk Kızılay.

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