Kızılay Akademi

Disasters in the World and Türkiye in 2022

Aslı Akay
Prof. Dr. Ankara Social Sciences University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration

In 2022, the war in Russia and Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly destructive and the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected almost every country globally, have left a significant mark in history. Today, the increasing meteorological disasters due to climate change and the systemic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic indicate a new reality. The COVID-19 pandemic…

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Current Developments and Future Outlook in the Field of Climate Change in Türkiye

Çiğdem Tuğaç
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

Climate change has various effects in different regions of the world. The Mediterranean Basin, including Türkiye, is one of the regions where the negative impacts of climate change are most pronounced. It is projected that the average temperature in the basin will increase by 2.5 degrees celcius-4 degrees celcius by the year 2100, and the…

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Welfare and Social Services in Türkiye at the End of 2022

Tarık Tuncay
Prof. Dr., Hacettepe University Department of Social Work

The three main components of the welfare state architecture are: (i) a comprehensive social insurance system, (ii) social services targeting individuals and families in vulnerable conditions, and (iii) an accessible and diverse social assistance system for those in need. In societies where these components are effectively and balanced structure, both the social welfare level and…

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International Humanitarian Aid in 2022: Deepening Crisis, New Roles, and ‘Localization’

Şerif Onur Bahçecik
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University, Political Science and International Relations Department

In 2022, the world and our region faced new crisis while hoping to heal their wounds from the COVID-19 pandemic by reducing its speed and severity and trying to compensate for the losses incurred in the past period through the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Droughts, floods, ongoing or emerging conflicts, and hunger affected many countries…

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Türkiye’s Humanitarian Diplomacy Activities in 2022

Orhan Battır
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Political Science and International Relations Department

When viewed from the broadest perspective, humanitarian diplomacy correspondents to the efforts made at the international level to produce solutions that prioritize human beings and address issues related to human security. In other words, all processes aimed at persuading decision-makers and actors in the field to use tools that focus on humans and towards finding…

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International Migration in 2022 and its Reflection on Türkiye

Şebnem Köşer Akçapar
Prof. Dr., Social Sciences University of Ankara, Department of Sociology Center for Global Migration Studies and Applications

As of 2022, Türkiye is the country that hosts the largest number of refugees worldwide, including nearly 3.5 million Syrians under temporary protection and over 400,000 refugees of various nationalities under international protection. By the end of 2022, the top three nationalities granted international protection in our country are Afghanistan with 19,400, Ukraine with 7,131,…

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Grain Corridor and its Importance

İlkay Dellal
Professor, Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics

The Russia-Ukraine War, which began with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, has created significant impacts in many areas, especially in food and energy. It has resulted in unprecedented economic, social, and political changes worldwide. Particularly, the grain crisis and the ‘Blacck Sea Grain Initiative Agreement,’ also known as the ‘Grain Corridor Agreement,’ have…

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Solution-Oriented Journalism for Natural Disasters and Environmental Problems

Serdar Karagöz
Anadolu Agency Chairman of the Board of Directors/General Manager

In 2022, our world witnessed conflicts and crises on a global scale, while also experiencing disasters caused by climate change. These tragedies affected all of humanity regardless of religion, language, or race. As we strive to overcome the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we increasingly need solution-oriented activities and methods of combating new crises in…

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Meteorological Disasters and their Assessments in Türkiye

Volkan Mutlu Coşkun
General Director of the Turkish State Meteorological Service

Natural phenomena that persists on Earth and significantly impacts human lives are referred to as ‘natural disasters.’ According to the United Nations, natural disasters are defined as ‘natural events that significantly disrupt socioeconomic and sociocultural activities, resulting in loss of life and property but cannot be adequately managed with local resources.’ In addition to causing…

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The Academic Power of Disaster Management: Universities Disaster Management Research Center Platforms (AYMEP)

Kürşat Esat Alyamaç
Prof. Dr., Head of AFAD Disaster Research Center

In today’s world, there has been a shift away from a strategy that focuses heavily on disaster response in disaster management, and more emphasis is given to pre-disaster risk reduction efforts. In fact, both globally and in Türkiye, the concept of ‘risk management’ has been adopted and implemented rather than the understanding of ‘crisis management.’…

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