Kızılay Akademi

Communication and Public Relations in 2020

Ekrem Şahin
Turkish Red Crescent Deputy General Manager

The Turkish Red Crescent has constructed its 2030 goals on strategic community-based projects. Therefore, the most important stakeholders for the Red Crescent are all our people, all our citizens. Another year where efforts to touch each citizen with this understanding were attempted by always keeping alive has been completed at Red Crescent. Despite 2020 being…

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2020: The Year of Global Humanitarian Crises

Alper Küçük
Turkish Red Crescent Deputy General Manager

2020 has been a year in which we’ve intensely felt the impacts of globalization and importance of global solidarity. Evaluating any crisis on a local scale is practically impossible currently. The year we’ve left behind us has shown that we need to calculate how a problem that started in a specific region, a humanitarian crisis,…

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Safe Blood Supplies and Immune Plasma During the Pandemic

Nurettin Hafızoğlu
Turkish Red Crescent Director General (Blood Services)

Starting at the end of 2019 and affecting the whole world in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on the field of blood services, just as in many areas. On one hand, the Turkish Red Crescent Blood Services team has taken personal protective measures; on the other hand, the team has structured its…

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Human Resources Management in Disaster Preparedness and Response

Süleyman İslamoğlu
Turkish Red Crescent Deputy Director General

The world went through a process of comprehensive change and transformation in 2020, the effects of which have been felt in every field. While talking about wars, disasters, poverty, refugee problems, human rights violations, and crises caused by climate change, COVID-19 made itself known at the start of 2020 and caused radical changes in many…

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Humanitarian Finance and Asset Management in 2020

Tayfun Özkan
Turkish Red Crescent Deputy Director General

The basic duties of the Turkish Red Crescent Finance and Asset Management Office are to protect assets, increase the amount and sources of income, track income and expenses within a budgetary framework, manage basic financial risks (e.g., currency, interest, and liquidity) and market (receivables) risk, and create and report financial records for all transactions. The…

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